Saturday, 26 July 2008

Washed away!

Drizzled? Yes it did. But I wanted more, more than just the luring few drops, which stroke my body. Like a teaser the sky would blush and then roar in a dark tinge as though to chuck it down and I would await a downpour to get drenched in, to walk endlessly into nowhere, into nothing. But I would be left taunted and mocked with no sign of anything, not even the promised drizzle!
No meteorologist could ever tell or even try to forecast rain, for it (the rain) never obeyed. At its will, it had gotten away. To reign or not to reign?… was the question. My meteorologist friend failed every time he attempted the forecast- “Hey weather man it is OK… these days with climate change and environmental issues you couldn’t have done any better. Your knowledge is inadequate and the Meteorology course might need cramming in of more papers in the syllabus to deal with the recent and expedited environmental issues.” I joked, oops! That spun his anger… He was disgusted and yes not amused at all. It was his profession at stake, his skill in question. I could only grin…

I can recall the best weather person ever- my good old nan. She knew exactly when it would rain, if it did by when it would stop and how long would it go on for…the harvest that season, the yielding and what not? But now even the ones holding a PhD in the tongue spraining subject (Meteorology) can hardly tell what’s next.

But little had the rain Gods known of what I had believed in, how I consoled myself that the nature was all mine... believe it rains when i am sad and teary-eyed... Pardon the blogger here –enraptured in a world she has woven to let herself lose. So, let the nature be hers, the enticement of the world be hers, the brilliance of the gems be hers, the luminescence of the night be hers… let her rule this world! Don’t hinder or you’ll be doomed. Let her be rapt, don’t warn her or wake her to the world you live in. Let her be.

I pinched myself to see if I was fine, how come I am glum and the nature is not? It (the nature) always did worry about me if none at all did. So now when I am upset and sad and crying why isn’t it raining? And when I am happy and elated it isn’t responding again… Oh! Can it be true? Maybe, it is under the spell of the other. Oh yes it is! Now it all makes sense.

The spell better be reversed and I must get all of the blissful showers to myself and please start helping, contributing, power saving, recycling- the only way to brew the potion to cast the spell away. I need my world saved and the love and care and protection that was unconditional and perpetual.

Monday, 14 January 2008

Oh! Just let it free uh... Really?

An acquaintance of mine keeps sending me forwards on LOVE, PYAAR, ISHQ, blah blah blah.....
Not that I condemn this but here you go look at this: I just recieved it:

I once had a friend who grew to be very close to me.Once when we were sitting at the edge of a swimming pool; she filled the palm of her hand with some water and held it before me, and said this:

"You see this water carefully contained in my hand? It symbolizes Love."
This was how I saw it: As long as you keep your hand caringly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there.
However, if you attempt to close your fingers round it and try to posses it, it will spill through the first crack it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love... they try to posses it, they demand, they expect... and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you. For love is meant to be free, you cannot change its nature. If there are people you love, allow them to be free beings.

# Give and don't expect.

# Advise, but don't order.

# Ask, but never demand.

It might sound simple, but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime to truly practice. It is the secret to true love. To truly practice it, you must sincerely feel no expectations from those who you love, and yet an unconditional caring."Passing thought... Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take; but by the moments that take our breath away...

WOW!!! that was Swami Vivekananda, one of the forwarded mails... Beautiful to know but painful to realize. Are we all so selfless to love anyone so much that we find beauty in actions of love and walk over our ego?

You know this right...? Gone are the days when love was spiritual, magical, magnanimous, ungrudging-admiration, idolizing, devotion...!!! Days of the sort even existed? Whoever says they did... oh well lovely legendary tales... Are they? Oh did I sound craggy... Ooops... well that wasn't my intention at all.
But sure obviosuly one is always happy to read and feel happy about the recorded scriptures on LOVE or rather LUUUHV..... that they can go to any extent with it but when it comes to functioning the way... snap and they are gone, so would I be.... OK by now, I am in stitches...

But well even I enjoyed reading this. Laxmi yes... what a hypocrite!!! Sorry I cannot lobour for LOVE or whatever it is called.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008


Trip back from Bangkok via Srilanka- transit... stay over in Colombo's Browns Beach Hotel... least asked for!!! Getting back seemed far-flung. But did I actually want to be back? May be I did... exhausted, anxious, jittery... yet longing to get back to see your loved ones smile. But of course not all are your loved ones... and there are those who make you frown, yeeeuuw just their presence... Can one possibly escape anything? so just GRIN AND BEAR!

How can a day be longer than 24 hours? Trust me it was... No seriously... it was!!! The thought of staying over was baneful and for all the sublime days I spent in Thailand, this stop over... definitely wasn't needed at all.

But Irony!!! Browns Beach Hotel was quite a neat place, yes NEAT as my dear friend would put it... and I had forgotten it was a transit and was lost or may be even rapt to even know I was heading home... home did I say? HOUSE rather.

I once told Nic: "home for me isn't any place in particular... but it is when I am with the right kind of people." I was applauded for it. I was quite proud of what I had said. But was it to the right kind of people I was coming back to? I could nod when I thought of some and then quell at the thought of many... not just people but troubles and situations...

Moving on... I had a wonderful evening in Colombo and couldn't remember when I fell off to sleep... wake up call from the reception and there I was getting ready to leave...

A pleasant trip back with a warm and benevolent couple flying down with me to Bangalore. They looked really happy together... even in their 60s or 70s!!! The man spoke to me with such warmth and love, something so mesmerizing about him and every time he mentioned something to me... he would look to his right where his wife was sat as if to get a confirmation nod from her of the facts he was delivering... and that to me was a reassuring fact about relationships. Whoever did that now???

She had a gentle smile and did I become their someone for a minute... or throughout the trip without them realizing and was it just me secretly? A sense of belonging. It felt great... reminded me of times and occasions I had lived and wished it would manifest again. How daft!!! Surprisingly, it was difficult to say bye to the two... like they had become someone close in just an hour and 10 minutes. I sped up ahead of them... immigration, baggage claim and off I was gone. Prayed hard and wished to see them again... why? Strange feeling... it lasts though.

Our state of normalcy is a term that does not occur. At times I feel I question if I am living at the mercy of my parents’ early departure from my life? It is said, “whatever happens or whatever has happened is for the good.” So is this what it is? Am I meant to enjoy their absence in my life and dwell on sympathies? Do I do that? I think I do... shamelessly fall prey to pseudo love and affection. I gaze at intimacy... a child in her mother's arms, little girls clinging on to their father's fingers, walking the streets... why does it hurt? Why don't I be happy about it?

Wander away mind and rest placidly. You are stronger than I am... so let us take this joyous ride together... but don't lose me... or else I will sob.