Friday, 29 June 2012

An Unsung Strain

I saw a bird dart past
Past her roosting time
Steered by the wind she floundered

Teary-eyed she cruised along the night sky
She flapped her wings and shrieked and heaved
Is it lost jewel she is crying over?
Or a deceitful lover?
Will she perch before the rain?
For the weather was far from jolly

The horizon bore a daunting silhouette
Unceasing lightning swallowed the black

Lo and behold! The heavens opened
And down gushed a furious flood
Wretched by a canker and the soul of an owl
flung open the creaky timber window
In dashed a flurry, splashing me
As though to ameliorate
For the long mucky day was far from bearable

The portico was a mossy pool now
I put my left foot forward
I had enough of being asked to put my right foot forward!
A chill ran through my toe and upward, popping my eyes
Caressing me, touching me without touching
Like my man did, every time I refused him a game of love
His whispers resonated in my ears
My breasts swelled, my lips apart and breaths grew heavier
For I was overcome by a desire far from sufferable

The doorbell rang stirring me up,
He is here, my man! I was certain
I trotted to the door longing for the warmth of his mouth
And the firmness of his hands
Unbolting three bothersome locks 
threw opened the hindering wood

There stood a man in uniform
But he was not mine to embrace
For he looked sorry far from a cheerful meeting

Holding his gaze down, he gave me the news
My limbs froze and I was buckled down
Rain lashed about the doors, windows and roof
Like iron chains beating down dilapidated buildings
My throat was parched, my breath grew faint
Beads of sweat, lined my brows
My gullet fought to wash down a lump of air
A sharp shooting pain criss-crossed my heart
For my song had died far from being hummed

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Gauge My Addiction

Are addictions to be treated or to be revelled in
I ought to know, for I have an addiction
Perhaps more than one
For now, I indulge with guilt
But do tell me if I am culpable

What am I addicted to? Must you ask
Oh! It is not a thing I am addicted to
It is, but a being I have grown fond of
Or maybe it is a thing like you surmised
But it is neither opium nor spirits

Who are you addicted to? Would you then ask
Oh! It is not any soul I am attached to
It is but a tool I talk into modulating my pitch
Or maybe it is a being like you suspected
But he is neither my cherished divinity nor my man

Perhaps I am dodging your questions
For you are yet to reveal to me 
If addictions are to be treated or to be reveled in

Rollicking in my addictions I smile I chuckle I laugh
Ashore my addictions I am typical and a downer
And I dawdle around seeking to bask in my addictions
But before I am overcome by guilt or rushed to a rehab by the mortals
Show me the door I should knock at if I am not chargeable or unholy...