Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Gauge My Addiction

Are addictions to be treated or to be revelled in
I ought to know, for I have an addiction
Perhaps more than one
For now, I indulge with guilt
But do tell me if I am culpable

What am I addicted to? Must you ask
Oh! It is not a thing I am addicted to
It is, but a being I have grown fond of
Or maybe it is a thing like you surmised
But it is neither opium nor spirits

Who are you addicted to? Would you then ask
Oh! It is not any soul I am attached to
It is but a tool I talk into modulating my pitch
Or maybe it is a being like you suspected
But he is neither my cherished divinity nor my man

Perhaps I am dodging your questions
For you are yet to reveal to me 
If addictions are to be treated or to be reveled in

Rollicking in my addictions I smile I chuckle I laugh
Ashore my addictions I am typical and a downer
And I dawdle around seeking to bask in my addictions
But before I am overcome by guilt or rushed to a rehab by the mortals
Show me the door I should knock at if I am not chargeable or unholy...